Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy

26005 - English for science I

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26005 - English for science I
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

This course aims at training students to develop and apply the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing across situations they will have to cope with in their future careers as occupational therapists. The study of the biomedical vocabulary is very important, enabling them to develop and participate in the classroom activities.

The course combines a theoretical background with a practical approach.

In the theoretical approach, the teacher provides students with the tools and resources they need to understand, research and analyze texts of their specialization, search and process information from different sources, etc. To achieve these goals, the teacher will suggest different classroom activities, including role-plays between occupational therapy and patient, translation of texts, reading comprehension activities,listening comprehension activities, etc.

The practical approach is based on guiding students to discuss situations related to Occupational Therapy. Students have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during the theoretical sessions. The teacher provides students with tools and resources they need to communicate fluently in specific situations, such as online resources to improve pronunciation in English, strategies to facilitate communication with patients, etc., as well as tools for the development of the project they have to present orally at the end of the course.

This course is basically focused on practice and will contribute to broaden the students’ knowledge during their future careers, since the specialized literature is mainly published in English.   

5.2. Learning tasks


The learning process designed for Scientific English I is structured as follows:



The teacher explains the theoretical foundations with the support of photocopies, online resources, videos, etc., and suggests activities so that students know how to apply what they have learned. Classroom activities, which are developed both individually and in groups, include role-plays about situations related to Occupational Therapy, translation of texts, research of scientific terminology, creation of mind maps, etc.


Practice sessions      

In small groups, students will engage in some debates and carry out different activities on topics related to Occupational Therapy and Sociology. The students’ participation in practical sessions is very important, since it will count towards the final mark. 



During one of the practice sessions, the teacher will explain the objectives and provide students with guidance about the development of their projects. Individually, students will have to prepare an oral presentation about a topic related to Occupational Therapy. The oral presentation is expected to demonstrate that students are competent in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, design and originality.



Individual tutoring

The teacher will clear doubts of individual students and guide them to overcome problems during the course. 



5.3. Syllabus

Occupational Therapy

What is occupational therapy?

Allied Health Professions

Hospitals: Introduction to a hospital/ Outpatients/ Inpatients

Symptoms and Signs: describing problems.

What is Pain?- Pain Classification- Pain Assessment- Types of Pain

Managing Chronic Pain- What can an Occupational Therapist Do?

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs): Basic Activities of Daily Living / Instrumental Activities of Daily Living/Rest and Sleep/Education/Work/Play/Leisure/Social Participation/

Client Factors: Values +Beliefs/Body Functions/Mental Functions/Sensory Functions/Body Structures/

Performance Skills: Motor Skills/Process Skills/Social Interactions.

Performance Patterns: Habits, routines, rituals and roles.



Occupational Therapy: The patient with Learning Disabilities.

Paediatric Occupational Therapist: Children with Physical Handicap.

The Role of the Occupational Therapist in Schools.

Anatomy and Physiology

Defining Anatomy and Physiology

The Building Blocks of the Body (molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems)

The Skeleton

How bone is organized

Bone Accesory Structures: cartilage, ligaments and tendons.


The Muscles of the Body

Organization of Skeletal Muscles

How Muscles Move: From Brain to Muscle.

Building Language and Study Skills: Rhetorical Functions

Creating Good Study Habits

Describing Organization and Function

Writing Descriptions: shapes and properties/physical features.

Describing a Process

Expressing Location

Expressing Structure

Expressing Measurement

Writing Definitions

Expressing Cause and Consequence

Writing a Set of Instructions


Occupational Therapy terminology/International Framework

Word Association- Terms related to medical matters

Two Word Expressions

Word Formation- Nouns

Word Formation-adjectives

Word association:partnership

Word Association: Mind maps


The Components of Medical Words (word root, combining vowel, suffix, combing form, prefix)

The Use of Prefixes, Combining Forms and Suffixes (Rules)

Reading and Understanding Medical Words

Listening Comprehension

1. Understanding OT videos: taking notes

2. Understanding OT videos: Following instructions

3. Understanding OT lectures: Summarizing

4. Understanding OT short talks: Answering true-false questions/Filling in the gaps/finding synonims, etc

5. Attending lectures in English-speaking universities online. Making use of Opencourseware resources


5.4. Course planning and calendar

- Lectures: 47,5 hours.

- Activities. During the course, students will develop different activities that will be checked in class or given to the teacher for correction.

- Practice sessions: 12 sessions

- Project. Students will have to prepare a project that will be orally presented during the last practice session.

- The final exam will be held in June.                                   

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Collin, P.H.: Dictionary of medicine. 3rd ed. Middlesex, Peter Collin Publishing, 2000
  • Navarro, Fernando A.: Diccionario crítico de dudas inglés-español de medicina. 2ª ed. Madrid, McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2005
  • Diccionario Mosby medicina, enfermería y ciencias de la salud. Lexicógrafo principal Douglas M. Anderson ; lexicógrafos Jeff Keith, Patricia D. Novak ; coordinador lexicográfico Michelle A. Elliot. 6ª ed. Madrid, Elsevier, 2003
  • Quick reference dictionary for occupational therapy. Edited by Karen Jacobs and Laela Jacobs. 4th ed. Thorofare, NJ , Slack Incorporated, 2004
  • Quick reference dictionary for occupational therapy. Edited by Karen Jacobs and Laela Jacobs. 5th ed. Thorofare, NJ , Slack Incorporated, 2009
  • Swales, John M., Feak, Christine B.: Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills. 2nd ed. Michigan, University of Michigan Press, 2004
  • Ehrlich, Ann Beard, Schroeder, Carol L.: Medical terminology for health professions. 5th ed. New York, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2005
  • Ehrlich, Ann Beard, Schroeder, Carol L.: Medical terminology for health professions. 6th ed. New York, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2009
  • Brookes, Arthur, Grundy, Peter: Writing for study purposes : a teacher's guide to developing individual writing skills. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990
  • Eastwood, John, Mackin, Ronald: A basic english grammar. Adapted and translated by María Pilar Zozaya. Spanish ed., 1st. ed. 1th imp. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989
  • Swan, Michael: Basic English usage. Adaptación y traducción por Brian Mott y Mª Pilar García . - Ed. española Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988


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